
In modern educational systems, leisure has established itself as one of the best tools available to educate, particularly when it comes to raising awareness. Therefore, we address the issue of environmental education, particularly of Education in Energy and Environment, playing.

Here you can purchase our educational product “From Renewable to Renewable” in several languages and formats. See offer at the bottom of the page *

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PEERMA educational project

Project “Energy and its relationship with the environment”

Developed from 2000 to 2002 for the Community of Madrid and presented in the EU. It took place during 3 courses in 88 HEIs, with an average per course of 16,000 students, 650 groups and 350 teachers.

JEERMA educational games:

“Goose of energy and the environment” = “from Renewable to Renewable”

Three years of work and research have made it possible to develop the educational game “from R to R” and it was published in December 2006 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the company ALIDA, a board (level 1) in canvas format (tablecloth and carpet) in Spanish then in English. It was later published in cardboard format in Spanish, and its fourth edition was in French on canvas.Actualmente en 2021 we are working on its update and its interactive development, in digital format for smartphones, with 3 levels of difficulty and a contest on social networks, and integrating values ​​!!

Game “Bioenergy Goose”

Based on the educational game “from Renewable to Renewable”, (“from R to R”), CESEFOR asked ALIDA to create agame
on Bioenergy to present it at Expobionergía 2007. The following year, in 2008, acompetition
was held with him, in which all the public secondary education centers of Castilla y León were able to participate, the final of the competition having taken place in Expoblonergía 2008, being a complete success.

LEERMA Educational Readings

Stories created to raise awareness of environmental sustainability, used in different environmental education activities

  • Reading “Planet Pamadal complains”
  • Reading “The path to forest fire prevention”.


Since our 25th Anniversary, shipping costs in the European Union will be only 4€.

For shipments outside EU, please contact:

Ordering in carton of 500 units or more, at least 4 orders on canvas 60 × 60 or requests for carpets, you can be customized with the logo of the company or organization that requests them. Please contact: